Board your Luxury Boat at Denton Bridge and sail into the beautiful blue sea. You will be joined by a marine naturalist who will provide information of the local marine life whilst you view the spectacular coral and tropical fish during this fishing trip. You may also spot one of our most rare and protected Dolphins.

Child Price: $47.00, Adult Price: $89.00

Sights And Places

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River Gambia

The River Gambia is a major river in the West African Sub region, running 1,120 kilometers (700 mi). from the Fouta Djallon plateau in north Guinea westward through Senegal, and the Gambia to the Atla...

Tour Plan & Itinary

Denton Bridge

Welcome to the Denton Bridge also known as the Oyster Bridge.

Boat Trip

First stop will be at Denton Bridge where you sail over 10 miles deep sea fishig

Tour Highlights

  • The Oyster Bridge/ Denton Bridge
  • Sail over 10 miles deep sea fishing