Saidou Bah

CEO Travel Eco Limited.

Posts by Saidou Bah for Blog:

Sine Saloum Delta Senegal

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The Sine-Saloum Delta in Senegal is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, known for its stunning landscapes, unique ecosystems, and rich biodiversity.

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Blue- Breasted King fisher in the Gambia

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The Blue-breasted Kingfisher a beautiful bird specie in the Gambia re-known for its vibrant blue and orange plumage, and its characteristic habit of perching on branches or posts near water...

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Sustainable tourism in Africa

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Sustainable tourism in Africa aims at promoting responsible travel that conserves the environment, respects local cultures, and benefits local communities.

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Silk Cotton Trees in Cassamance


Silk cotton trees, are prominent in the cassamance region of South Senegal.These giant trees can grow up to 70 meters tall and are valued for their aesthetic appeal and ecological benefits.

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The Gambia

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The Gambia popularly know as the smiling Coast of Africa is a very tiny country in West Africa, with a population of only 2.6 million people, bordered by Senegal...

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Importance of the Baobab trees in Senegambia

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In summary, baobab trees in The Gambia and Senegal are vital to the environment, economy, and cultural heritage of the region.

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For travellers Casamance offers a variety of experiences that highlight its unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions:

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Goree Island: A Must-See Sight


Visiting Goree Island in Senegal is a profound experience. This small island off the coast of Dakar holds immense historical significance, particularly for its role in the transatlantic slave trade.

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Travel Essentials and Safety Advice

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Travel Essentials and Safety AdviceHere are some simple and essential travel tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey:

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Trip to rural Gambia

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We set off from the kololi beach hotel area on a scenic drive through several small local settlements to the island town of Janjanbureh in the central river region.

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